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Furniture including tables, chairs, bed cabinets, shelves,. Etc. .. Choosing furniture is an important factor, which represents the aesthetic point of view of the owner, and if selected well will significantly reduce cost.

When choosing furniture you should note the following points:

- Furniture in the narrow space should have a compact size, simple lines.

- Furniture natural wood color, gloss opening will create natural beauty of wood painted noble house, this color is a neutral color - young and always in harmony with the other decorations.

- The color of the furniture can greatly affect the harmony of colors in the house. In the narrow space, the furniture should choose the dominant color tone, not to choose the contrast colors will create a feeling of heavy and cramped.

Some guidelines when choosing furniture

- Living Room, Dining: if the chosen solution should narrow to sit on the floor, low tables, pillows instead of chairs, similar to the Japanese tea room, will create a warm atmosphere, friendly.

- Do not use the big table will highlight the tiny space of the house. Low table is not currently commercially available, can be placed at the base close carpenter. Although made of wood table, inexpensive, but if used properly is also very nice, own style.

- Bedroom: if placed upstairs bedroom that can sleep on the bedroom floor as the majority of Japanese, airy space would be, or pick pieces of lightweight material seems embryos, low (in Japanese)

- Sleeping accommodation for children: If too narrow, not enough room for children, can be used to create a sleeping bunk beds open, under a desk, wardrobe, above the bed.



- Shelves Kitchen: Use kitchen set with tile lining, damaged and difficult, and easy to clean. Below the drawer is closed put off by wood, with wheels for easy cleaning, the cabinet should be able to pull out and use as a place to dish. In the near future, we will offer free kitchen cabinet designs, kitchen cabinet.